Looking For A New Car? Four Reasons Why A Pre-Owned Car Might Be A Better Bet

With kids, keeping a car clean can be quite the task. This can be more stressful if you have a new car. Learn ways to keep your vehicle in top shape.

Looking For A New Car? Four Reasons Why A Pre-Owned Car Might Be A Better Bet

23 October 2017
 Categories: , Blog

If you are on the hunt for a new car, you might have a few deal breakers when it comes to the price, style, make, and features that need to be included. If price is at all a limitation in your search to get everything you want out of a car, consider looking into pre-owned cars such as popular Ford models at dealerships so that you can get more car with less money. Here are four things to think about when it comes to the benefits of possibly purchasing a pre-owned car.

1. Picking Tried-and-True Models

Sometimes there can be a real buzz around new car models, only to find out in the first year or so that there are recalls or other issues. The great thing about pre-owned cars is you can steer clear of certain models and years that have had cosmetic or functional issues. That being said, going through a dealership will ensure that paperwork has been reviewed so that recall parts have been replaced or work that needed to be done was completed.

2. Lower Car Insurance and Registration

Getting a brand new car can be an exciting purchase, but this can fade quickly once you are straddled with increased registration fees and higher car insurance rates. If you can find a reliable, pre-owned car that fits all of your needs, your car insurance and registration can be more in line with your current rates.

3. Fancier Rides for Less of the Cost

If you want the next step up when it comes to car models than you can realistically afford, you might be able to find your dream style in a used car for a fraction of the cost. For example, you can upgrade your Ford model from new Escape to a slightly used Explorer and still save on costs. Sometimes affordable styles and features are well worth seeking out in a pre-owned over something brand new. Cars can depreciate quickly, but a model that is a few years older can still be reliable and have newer features.  

4. Pre-Owned Options from Auto Dealers

If you have heard nightmare stories about private sellers and transactions when it comes to cars, you might shy away from pre-owned vehicles. The good news is that buying from an auto dealer can help give you peace of mind that a car has been inspected and you can have more financing options. Most auto dealers strive to give you a fair price, and what you are getting in return with safety and reliability will be priceless.

If you love the look and reliability of a Ford, pre-owned Ford cars for sale can give you the features you want at the price you can afford. Pre-owned cars can still have current features and styles that you love, without the huge price tag a new car can bring. Be sure to check out pre-owned Ford options through an auto dealer for fair, safe, deals on pre-owned cars. 

About Me
Keeping Your New Car Clean

After picking out the perfect new car a few months ago, I realized that it would be difficult to keep it clean. With kids, smashed crackers and spilled milk are just part of your everyday reality. Fortunately, my auto dealer gave me a few tips that really helped. She recommended keeping a portable trashcan inside of the car, so that we could collect packages and paper scraps along the way. She also showed us which floor mats to use to capture spills. This blog is all about keeping your new car clean, so that you aren't embarrassed when you take your car in for that oil change.
