Shopping Around For A Used Vehicle? Follow These Tips

With kids, keeping a car clean can be quite the task. This can be more stressful if you have a new car. Learn ways to keep your vehicle in top shape.

Shopping Around For A Used Vehicle? Follow These Tips

17 September 2020
 Categories: , Blog

Has the time come to replace your old vehicle, and you are considering the used auto market to find one that's right for you? If so, follow these tips to help you make this purchase.

Write Down Your Question Before You Go

Shopping for a used car is a lot like going to the doctor, in that you likely have many questions going into it but you forget what you want to ask in the moment when you are with a salesperson. It is always a good idea to write down your questions so that you have something to reference when you are looking at a vehicle. Then you can run down the list of questions like a checklist for each vehicle you see.

Don't Reveal Your Budget

A common question that may be asked of you when shopping for a used car is how much you are looking to spend. If you reveal what your budget is, you'll likely only be shown cars that are on the upper end of your budget. Don't reveal that information to any salesman so that you are shown a variety of cars at different ranges. You may be surprised at what you are shown

Know What Damage To Look For

A used car is not going to be in perfect condition, which is why you're getting such a discount compared to a new model. However, you still want to check the vehicle for damage so you know what you are getting. Start by looking at the vehicle's body, and see if you can find panels that are mismatched since this could be an indication that the vehicle was previously in an accident. Take a look at the inside of the vehicle and look for signs of excessive wear and tear. Mileage isn't the only indication to consider, so take a look at the condition of the driver's seat and the steering wheel to see if it looks worn down or not.

Be Prepared To Walk Away

There are plenty of used cars out there, and you should be prepared to walk away from a car if there is something about it that you do not like. While used cars may feel limited due to the nature of each car being unique, it's important to remember that there are plenty of used cars out there for sale. If you do not see something you like this week, there is likely to be new cars in stock next week. 

About Me
Keeping Your New Car Clean

After picking out the perfect new car a few months ago, I realized that it would be difficult to keep it clean. With kids, smashed crackers and spilled milk are just part of your everyday reality. Fortunately, my auto dealer gave me a few tips that really helped. She recommended keeping a portable trashcan inside of the car, so that we could collect packages and paper scraps along the way. She also showed us which floor mats to use to capture spills. This blog is all about keeping your new car clean, so that you aren't embarrassed when you take your car in for that oil change.
